March 10, 2025

Good afternoon, thanks for taking some time to be interviewed. Can you please introduce yourself to our readers and tell us a little bit about what you do?

I go by Lil Seltrah. I’m an artist/entrepreneur based out of Phoenix Arizona.

An artist and an entrepreneur! That’s awesome, how did you get started?

On which one?

Let’s start with your journey into music, what motivated you the most to start creating?

I wasn’t motivated at all. My mother put me in guitar classes when I was in high school because I was getting into trouble regularly. I was a very angry little kid and I would routinely get kicked out of schools. She put me in guitar classes and forced me to play guitar for an hour a day. I guess that was the spark, but it was mostly just a hobby. It wasn’t until my family got tired of me and left me on the streets. I was forced, once again, to do music on a regular basis, but this time it was survival. I started bands, I played little shows for donations but it wasn’t enough.

Man, the dedication and hustle definitely show in your work ethic! The only way from here is up, man! Well, what sparked your interest in the entrepreneurial field? What is your dream business?

The entrepreneurship started when my homelessness started. Being in a band didn’t pay enough so I started looking for ways to generate a steady flow of revenue for myself just so I can eat and stay warm. I started out doing logos and flyers for bands, then for local shows and it grew from there. Now I have ton of skills and services that I offer under my belt and I feel like a made man. My ultimate dream business would be a franchise that would make me a household name with call centers all over the nation. But, to be honest, my dream already came true. I’m just happy to be smoking weed everyday, to be off the streets in a home I bought and paid for with my own hard work. Anything else that comes my way in life is just an interesting bonus, the cherry on top of the milkshake that turned out to be my life.

Wow man, congratulations! It’s good to see how it has humbled you yet made a hard working beast out of you! Well, with half the year almost over and everything going on, what are your plans for the remainder of 2020?

My number one goal for this year is to bring more journalists onto the Clout Culture team while maintaining a steady flow of revenue to pay them. Right now I’m paying 3 journalists out of pocket but I hope by the end of the year the magazine will be able to turn a profit on its own. It’s been a process, though. I’ve had to kick the majority of the my journalists off the team for not sharing my drive and work ethic among other things. I can’t possibly think about moving forward with a team that costs me more money than it makes the company. So, we cut the slack and kept our best journalists. Now, we are just searching for people who share our passion and vision so we can experience exponential growth next year as it will come with a heavy workload on a regular basis.

We have big plans but I’ll need a large solid team to handle the work load.

Well, I’m definitely grateful to be a part of the team and with someone with work ethic like yours. I see no reason why we can’t match the effort to make business boom! You have a song that I like a lot, Ramen Noodle Guap Stack. What inspired you to create that slap?

Yes! You actually listen to me! A lot of people sleep. That song is about eating ramen everyday just to watch my money stack! When I want to make a big investment I just stop spending money until I have the money for whatever it was I wanted to invest in. People who think they are a slave to their job don’t realize their job is actually giving them the start up capital they need to level up in life. People are brainwashed into thinking they need drugs, clothes, or the latest iPhone. So, in turn, they never grow out of what holds them back. That’s what that track is about.

I wish more people would listen and hear its message.

That’s insightful, man. WAKE TF UP WORLD! Don’t stress on the viewers now. You have a promising career in music and the world will someday soon know who TF BRETT DEADLY is! Ok, now, what advice would you give to someone wanting to enter the scene? Also, what do you wish you had known when you started out?

Be careful who you think your friends are. You really gotta protect your energy. The world is not peachy, goody two shoes like how people pretend it is. People will do things behind your back to try and keep you where you are at. You gotta tune out negativity. You gotta tune out people giving you fake advice. You gotta move smart. I was a dumbass entering the game and I had to learn that the hard way. Trust nobody but yourself, take advice with a grain of salt, stay focused on your vision and nothing else. If someone wants beef, let them choke on their own words. You don’t owe them any of your time or attention. This goes for any person no matter what their goals are in life. This world tests the strong and feasts on the weak.

That’s the real deal right there. All too often we give our trust out to people who end up doing us wrong in the end. Next, If you could go on tour with anyone in the world who would you choose? What would you name the tour?

It would be called “Taking Back The Underground – World Tour” and I’d book all the artists who kept it real with me despite seeing so many people hate me. The artists that gave me a place to stay when I was homeless, the artists that fed me, the artists that stayed in contact even though I go through periods where I disconnect and don’t want to talk to a soul? Those real friends. We all have a few. I’d put them as the headliners on this tour with me.

Damn man, that’s deep. The ones that stick around and leave an impact definitely deserve the love returned! Speaking of other artists, who gets bragging rights for supporting you and helping you get to where you are now?

Shit, I’d have to say Ztarve from Uutherside. He gave me a place to stay when I was homeless. And also Schirmstick. He would help me find people to stay with and shit. There are other people I could thank as well but they fell off.

That’s really sick. Big ups to those two for coming in clutch when it mattered most! Shoot man, well what has been your biggest accomplishment in your career so far?

The biggest accomplishment has been seeing these checks roll in everyday and the love I get from my return clientele. I feel very invested in people’s lives. Feels like an honor and a responsibility at the same time. I’m really bringing people up with me. As a man, it just feels good knowing I’m paying my bills while doing work that benefits people.

Yessir hallelujah to that! Well, I must say it definitely was an honor to get to interview you today, man! Keep up the hard work and before I chew ya ear off with questions all day long lmao, is there anything else you would like to add as we wrap this up?

Shit. You did a good job man! Hella natural at it. Thank you! Welcome to the team and thank you to everyone who took the time to read this! Its appreciated.