Thanks for taking some time to be interviewed for Clout Culture. Can you please introduce your self and tell us briefly what you do in the scene?
Of course man thank you for always supporting what I do bro. I fully support Clout Culture. I go by Luvsick FKA Smoky Bare and I’ve been in the scene since 2013 when I moved from a small town in Kansas. I engineer, produce and rap or sing. I took my time to learn all about making music so I’d never need help and it’s gotten me pretty far. Definitely helps you network having multiple skills. Kind of known as a crybaby or weirdo I feel like tho lol a lot of depression Facebook posts over the years. I wanna connect with the sad and let em know that it’s fine to be that way and we aren’t alone ya know?
Yea I get you bro. A lot of us are suffering. It makes you relatable. What city are you in now. And what’s the local scene like? Pros? Cons?
I’m in Denver right now and I love the scene. Lots of talent just very little direction at least in the rap scene. Definitely had potential to be a major hub for hip hop like it has been for rock or edm but I’m more focused on making fans than getting involved with the politics in the scene right now. I’ve wasted a lot of time worrying about being known or respected in the city. All about the fans now!
Sounds good to me! How long have you been making music. And who gets bragging rights for helping you get to where you are now?
Ive been making music since I was maybe 9 and I was in band until my freshman year of high school but didn’t really take it serious until I was like 15 or 16 cus ppl like the sounds and I was surprised or I woulda quit lol but I’d say King Foe comes to mind, he was in the group BLKHRTS. They’re kinda legends in Denver honestly. Emo rap is how Id describe their sound. They broke up awhile back though. I’d say him and maybe Ru Johnson who is another staple in the city. She knows everybody and definitely helped me get some attention. If she says you’re worth checking out it means something around here. Other than that I’d say my really good friend Demarcus who I grew up with and started making music with. He definitely inspired me to move to Denver like he did and really take my passion serious so shout out all those guys!
If you could go on tour with anybody in the world. Who would you choose? Whats your dream tour?
Probably Kid Cudi or Ricky Hil. Definitely the biggest inspirations on my sound.
Tell me about the album your dropping! What’s it called? How many tracks? How much work went into it? What’s it about?
Its called SADBOYBADBOY and it’s meant to represent my duality. I have a very sad and dark side but also can be the life of the party. It’s 7 tracks long but I’ve been working on this album since last Fall so it’s about a year in the works. I finished it up in spring of this year just getting everything set up and waiting for the right time which I feel is now.

We are going to help make sure your release does very well. What are you plans for 2018?
I know y’all have been good to me, helping with promo and all! But for 2019? I got new videos in the works, merch, plenty of shows and more new music for sure.
Excited to see what you have in store? Who did the album art?!?! Looks good!
Drew Shifter or Bummer Gang, he recently passed away but was so very talented. He helped found Low Key Industries which is a dope brand from the city!
Awe sorry to hear. RIP Drew. Dude was clearly talented. Where can our readers steam your new album? And your music in general?
Yea man he was a good dude but it’ll be up on SoundCloud first and then all other major outlets shortly after. iTunes has some funky art guidelines unfortunately. I have a few songs out everywhere though but still mostly SoundCloud.
I will link your soundcloud at the bottom of this article. As we wrap this up. Is there anything else you would like our readers to know? And thank you for your time fam.
❤ Thank you for your time as well man appreciate all you do for the culture. I’d just like to dedicate the whole album to my baby girl Olivia who recently passed away because she was a major inspiration and support as I prepared this for you all. Thanks again brotha
My condolences go out to Drew’s family, and Olivia’s family. RIP – Lil Seltrah