March 10, 2025

Thanks for taking some time to be interviewed. Can you please introduce yourself to our readers and tell us a little bit about what you do?

Appreciate you doing this for me brotha. I’m Chuck Verde, Glendale guy. I’m an artist/producer just tryna touch as many people as possible with what I do. Pushing to be an advocate for people who may feel outta place.

You’re welcome, it’s my pleasure! Nice to meet you! Well, Chuck Verde, the voice of the unheard! It’s an honor to be able to chat with you today.
How long have you been making music? When where and how did it start?

Likewise. But I’ve been doing this for a little over 5 years. Started at one of my lowest points. I used to write to myself here and there with no intention of turning my personal lil hobby into music for others. I had a friend who was an artist who moved in with me and he pushed me into it. We started out together, parted ways, and here I am. This is basically the product of and a solution to some of my internal conflict.

Music always feels like the best solution to relieve my stress so I can definitely appreciate your start! Time will show you who is really here with you and who’s here for you. Well, with five years under your belt, what advice would you give to someone wanting to enter the scene? Also, what do you wish you had known when you started out?

I would say trust your gut, but also trust your team when you recognize you’ve got good people around you. There have been countless times I thought I knew something or had a decent understanding, but the people around me always give me something to elevate that knowledge or help me obtain whatever resource I need. I wish I knew how much I needed this sooner, but maybe everything is on time.

Yessir, I’m sure the newer artists and veteran artists will vibe with this and feel where you’re coming from! Don’t rush the process. Awesome man well, what are some of the biggest influences behind your sound?

As far as artists go, Mac and Cole are my guys. Their delivery, flow and word choice is always easy on the ear. Mac helped me understand how to shake the stigma of just being a rapper and becoming a versatile artist and creating MUSIC, it’s more than rap itself. On the other hand, a lot of my music is inspired by life itself. Whether that be something I’m dealing with or have seen, things on my mind, or how I see the world. My goal is to keep it as true as possible in efforts that people really understand me.

Those are without a doubt two great artists. Keeping true to yourself in the music is definitely something that is a plus in my book and a ton of other fans as well! Alright, tell me about the album your dropped! What’s it called? How many tracks? How much work went into it? What’s it about?

Yes yes the album is called “chas.” You can find it on Spotify, SoundCloud, Apple/iTunes, YouTube and other platforms will be available soon. It’s a 9 song project about some of the struggles I’ve faced, realizations I’ve come to. Sort of a summation of who I am. And I’ve put a lot into this man. I’ve had it slowed up for quite a while tryna get it right, putting my knowledge, heart and energy in the correct places. All that energy has been replenished by the love I’ve received tho. A great feeling.

That’s a great way to introduce yourself to the game! It may have felt like a long time to release but you made sure it was perfect and that’s what matters most. I had a chance to check the album out and it rocks! The video for “Voices” is really dope also. With that being said, what’s your favorite album of all time?

Absolutely brotha I really appreciate that! But damn of all time? I’d have to say my favorite is a toss up between J Cole’s Warm Up or Kanye’s Late Registration.

Damn two fuego choices! Ok ok now something fun, if you could go on tour with anyone in the world who would you choose. What is your dream tour?

My team. M Boog, KY Sluggah, FG, 3lbs, Meyousic, JKru, and Kairo. I believe we all have the tools necessary to be whatever big name everybody is tryna go see. Nothing would be better than making a move like that with the people I have around me.

That is very humble and rad of you man! I’ve heard of KY before, I had no idea you guys rocked together! That’s dope! Ok, with the pandemic happening and we’re now getting close to entering August, what are your plans for the rest of the year?

Yea he’s dope bro, excited for all of us. But I’m focused on sharpening the craft at this point of course, building my catalogue and staying active. Got a couple things planned but we’ll explore that as I go. Just gotta follow along.

Ooooh I like that keepin it lowkey ok ok!! Well you got a solid team behind you, a great start to your career with the album drop, where do you see your self in 5 years?

In that time I see myself being more than just the artist people are just now getting into. Still being a mentor and a friend to my fans through my music. pushing for an increase in peace and happiness. Simple.

That’s really beautiful man fr. The positive vibes will take you far with that work ethic keep it up! Ok, now what’s your writing process like and how does someone get a hold of you for a feature?

Appreciated brotha. But my writing style is based on the initial energy for the most part. I can hear or make a beat and know the general feeling and direction that I wanna take. From there I like to take my time with it get the structure right. But you can find me on Twitter @chuck_verdee and my Instagram @96verde has my email and other ways to contact me. Anybody is welcome to drop something in my email and we can go from there.

That’s a great way to attack a track! I really like to hear you’re open for collaborating! As simple as droppin an email! Alright well, what obstacles did you have to overcome on your journey?

A lot of doubt, frustration, no patience. Had a few different opportunities with certain people and those people fell through, losing music and everything. No team, nowhere to record, no real want to for a while actually. Personally there were other things holding me back but I’ll let that show in the music to come. But as far as artistically, it really just took correcting my headspace and finding people who want this just as bad as I do.

Hey man I congratulate you for being able to surpass those negative thoughts and doubts and having the ability to turn them into something amazing! Alright, Chuck Verde, I appreciate your time and doing this with us here at Clout Culture, is there anything else you would like to add as we wrap this up?

Much love bro. I appreciate the opportunity fasho. But the main thing I wanna leave here is to just let everybody who reads this know that there is love in the world for them, sometimes you just gonna find it. Keep pushing for whatever it is that fulfills you and gives you joy. All love always. Thank you again brothaman!

Thank you so much again, alright everybody! Check out Chuck Verde’s first official album titled “Chas” down below and he’s out on all platforms!