February 23, 2025

Thanks for taking some time to be I Interviewed for Clout Culture could you please introduce your self to our readers and let us know a little bit about what you do?

Ayyyee shouts out Clout Culture it’s your favorite shit head Yung Heelflip I’m a artist from New York Coney Island I like to make music you can do bad shit to

How long you been rapping? Who were some of your influences early on?

I’ve been rapping for 6 years I have a lot of influences but some major ones are Suicide Silence, AFI, Decide, MF DOOM, Nas, Big L, IndigoChildRick, TeamSesh, Xavier Wulf, and TeenSuicide There’s a lot more but that’s just to cover the surface

Aye ur a multi genre man. What genre would you call your own music?

I would say I make skate metal a lot of people try to say it’s rage music or trap metal but honestly it’s all just music people should just accept it as music and enjoy it

The problem there is different people like different music. Anyways. Who gets bragging rights for helping you get to where u are now? Was anyone there from the beginning?

My friends was there shouts out loco,Nero,Zim,and lost child there’s a lot more but that’s the main ones People who helped me grow on media I would say Haunter, void tracks, fiji zag, and Trash gang

If you could go on tour with anyone in the world, who would you choose?

My dream tour would be with slipknot But people I would like to tour with is my bros seshollowaterboys Oh and tankhead666

Whats next for you? You just released a fire music video but what else does the rest of 2018 have in store?

I got more videos coming more singles. dropping maybe some merch shows and I’m tryna get a tour together Shouts out trash we got some stuff coming soon

Where are you based out of? And how is your local scene?

I’m from New York Brooklyn the scene out here kind of sucks to me because there’s not enough people out here that actually care about the growth of this scene

Where do you see room for improvement?

I see room for improvement in everything I do I’m always evolving even as we speak right now I’m evolving that’s what life’s about

As we wrap this up is there anything else you would like to add?

Yea look out for 2 new videos coming soon and skate fast and eat ass